🌟I’m Ylenia, and you know that phrase by Walt Whitman, “I am large, I contain multitudes”? Well, it fits me perfectly!

I’ve always had an insatiable hunger for knowledge, and this has led me to explore worlds that seem far apart from each other.

My Academic Journey

📚 Degree in Multimedia Communication
🍏 Master’s Degree in Human Nutrition
But my thirst for knowledge didn’t stop there. I continued, in fact, to expand my skills..


  • 🧘‍♀️ Diploma in Inner Therapy, Synergetics and Somatic Practices
  • 🌿 Certification in Mindful Eating
  • 🦠 Specialization in Psychobiotics (the study of relationships between gut microbiome and emotions)
  • 🎵 Study and research path in Nada Yoga at the Satyananda school in Turin

My Mission

To help people dissolve physical and mental rigidities through a multisensory approach.


🎤 I regularly take singing lessons: not for star ambitions, but to explore the transformative power of sound. Sound vibrations have a profound impact on our nervous system and our emotions.

🧠 I use techniques that integrate body and mind, based on the principles of neuroplasticity, to release deep tensions.

💡 I’m convinced that each of us has an extraordinary potential, often hidden under layers of fears and conditioning.

🌈 My task is to help you remove these layers one by one through bodywork, until your unique “voice” emerges.
